Tuesday 12 May 2009

My favourite technological tool is...

...it's a personal computer (obviously with internet jajaja, 'cause...what's a computer without it...nothing!!!!!)...well i think that this a wonderful tool, but we have to make qualms about their use is too easy a bad use of this.

I use it for studing, download all the information in internet, make papers and all the relative about this, also for to comunicate with my parents in Curicó (incredibly I taught my dad how to use the computer at home, and now he conect to internet everyday and he checks his emails and looks video by youtube about trains, it makes me laugh) talking with my friends and the most funny thing talk with my roommate, we're so lazy...
Oh I forget also to download and listen music, look old photos and think...all past time was better jajaja; plays all kinds of games in facebook and spent a lot of time in this... (this is what i mean about a bad use...i'm guilty!)...

Well...if I don't had a computer here..i guess i still be in a ciber talking with the people i care in about fifteen minutes...
I really loves my computer, and i really hated when a computer doesn't works...it makes me nervous...

1 comment:

  1. hahahaa darlig is so funny your comment... but it's true... i can't live very well without my computear either... Specially to study!!! ahahhaha...
    When it doesn't works i turn it off xDDD and that's it! very easy ahahaa!!

    well... see you tomorrow!!! in another quiz!!!
